AWE SwitchPath™ Remote for B9 3.0T
AWE SwitchPath™ Remote for B9 3.0T
This AWE SwitchPath™ Remote gives you complete control over the valves on your B9, opening and closing as desired. We highly recommend and encourage pairing the SwitchPath™ Exhaust with the SwitchPath™ Remote versus using the factory operation for the best SwitchPath™ experience. With the AWE SwitchPath™ Controller installed, the exhaust valves can be opened by pressing the “On” button found on the left side of the SwitchPath™ Remote. To close the exhaust valves simply press the “Off” button on the right side of the remote. Push button mood control. Easy. Features & Benefits: AWE SwitchPath™ Remote for B9 3.0T|The optional handheld remote for the B9 SwitchPath™|Gives complete control over exhaust valves|Many mounting options, or carry as keychain